The Church in Amherst  © 2013 | Privacy Policy

The  Church  in Amherst

A Brief History of the Church in Amherst!

When the church life spread to New England's Boston area in 1973, there was a strong burden for the colleges, including UMass Amherst.  A group of saints migrated to Amherst in 1977 and took the ground as the church in Amherst in 1978. In 1981, the saints there decided through fellowship to consolidate back to the Boston area. In 1990 some saints moved nearby Amherst to South Hadley.  Since then there have been home and campus meetings at Mt. Holyoke and UMass Amherst. There have also been frequent supporting visits from the saints throughout New England. 
With the strengthening of the churches in the Boston area and the propagation
of localities in Connecticut, the burden for Amherst was revived. In September 2012 some saints migrated to Amherst and other saints from surrounding areas began to meet in Amherst.  On June 16th, 2013 through much prayer and coordination the Church in Amherst was established and the first Lord's table meeting was conducted with saints from all over New England.
  We thank all the brothers and sisters for their prayers and fellowship to establish the golden lampstand in Amherst and rejoice with for the present manifestation of the Body of Christ in the Pioneer Valley!